Sunday, October 6, 2019

Noise is the enemy of communication Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Noise is the enemy of communication - Article Example Claude’s discovery has impacted the modern world since it is the basis of all communication that exists today. The challenge of noise had was a big limitation during World War II but he managed to solve the problem by developing a universal communication method where all people could understand one another. During the World War II, the military utilized radio communication, which was one of the factors that made the war push to all corners of the globe. There were significant advancements in Cryptography since I was necessary to send messages very fast and keep them secret. Airplanes were being used in the war and there was need to be able to detect them before they appeared in the horizons. Claude was designing a mechanism to perform this role. He was also determined to device a means of shooting down a plane immediately it appeared (Andrew, 2012). He managed to make a breakthrough but it was not useful since it was not accurate. The challenge made him and others think of information propagation after the war. He was torn between, radar signals, phone calls, television and videos since he wanted an accurate method of communication. Having a perception that noise was not favorable for communication, he was focused on storing and transmitting information that rejected noise. He knew that communication was equally challenging as mathematics and engineering and hence focused a lot on his mission. His basic idea was that any mode of communication should have minimal uncertainty for it to be effective. He understood that here being many languages, some words had a lot of meaning to some people than others. Shannon discovered that establishing various codes and symbols would solve the problem and people speaking diff languages could understand each other well. His discovery was a unifying factor since the world war involved different people and they had no common communication language. Shannon coding systems was based on reducing

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