Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Evaluate a Complex Decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Evaluate a Complex Decision - Essay Example I called the friend who had caused the problems at the work site into my office. I reeled into him, yelling at him for being so stupid and costing the company a very important sales contract. He had previously in the week told me how good the job was going, and perhaps if he had earlier mentioned to me the problems I could have solved them. I told him because of his neglect he was to be fired and that there was no discussing this matter, as I then had to go and try to patch things up with the company and hope to regain our contract. I then called the company and begged for the contract back. They told me that due to the efforts of that one person, they had already given the contract to somebody else. There were giving me the same treatment I had just given my employee, and were not further discussing the matter. Now looking back at the decision, I see that there were several other ways I could have gone about it. Looking at the formal methods of decision making addressed in this class, I now see that there were many other ways I could have better addressed the situation and come to possibly a better outcome. After my call with the company I realized that I was being just as rash as they were, and that I possibly should have at least listened to my friend’s side of the story before firing him. I was not sure if he would come back to work at the company after how I had treated him, but I at least wanted to given him the fair chance to tell me what had happened. However, I never got to find out, as he still won’t return any of my calls, and I have heard rumors that he has a new job elsewhere. To make matters even worse, I received a call from the company today, stating that the complaints against my worker were dropped, and were actually deemed to be their fault. They issued an apology and renewed our contract, and I felt horrible for how I had treated

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