Friday, March 22, 2019

Canada Should Sell Water to America Essay -- Argumentative Essays

Since to a greater extent than 70% of the Earth is covered with pissing, one would assume that at that place is enough urine for everyone. However, this statement would be incorrect. Only 3% of that peeing is considered usable and 2% of the usable urine is locked in the polar spyglass caps. This leaves 1% of that water for the use of humans. Canada possesses a substantial amount of this water, go early(a) countries are less fortunate. One of these countries is the united States of America, the biggest users of water in the solid ground. They are looking for a new source of water and find been hoping Canada can be this new source. The Canadian government should accept the in cristalt to sell water in bulk to the United States due to the availability, the gumshoe and the frugal opportunities it would bring.Water is easily available to Canadians. According to Report Newsmagazine, Canada possesses 20% of the worlds Fresh Water. Report also states that Canada possesses only 0.5% of the worlds population. This means that on a per capita basis, Canada has more water than any other nation. Furthermore, water is a renewable resource, which means that once it is used, it whitethorn be used again after the water cycle. Many other materials Canada sells to the United States are non renewable. Dennis Owens, the senior Frontier Centre psychoanalyst says, Here we are giving non-renewable oil and gas to the U.S., then water falls from the sky and goes into the ocean and we wont give it to them. In Newfoundland, Gisbourne Lake has the potency to drain 500,000 cubic meters of water per week. This drainage would only reject the level of the lake one inch and this would naturally be replenished within ten hours. Canada has cut down trees that will take 100 years to produce back and sold them. S... ...e-not province related to others Manitoba could now have the potential to become just as industrialized and important as a province such as Ontario. The whole of C anada would benefit economically from water schemes.Selling water to the United States would be possible, safe and would create numerous economic opportunities, which Canada can not afford to pass up. Canada has access to more fresh water than any other country, which the Canadian citizens will not use. Sharing this water with the United States, and getting something back in return, would be safe to the ecology and Canada will still have enough water for themselves. The water will always be waiting there, however the economic opportunity is one that would have to be taken advantage of now. The United States will not wait forever for Canada to make a decision. The Canadian government needs to act now

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